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About Our School

Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School is based on the knowledge and belief that all students can learn. We are committed to a safe and orderly learning environment, high expectations, and time on task for all students. We are dedicated to fostering a love of learning by encouraging each child to think critically and creatively, to work cooperatively, and to communicate effectively, promoting social, physical, and cognitive growth.

School's Shared Vision

In order to ensure the success of all students at Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School:

All staff will:

  • Be accountable for student learning and achievement.

  • Have high expectations for all students and their learning.

  • Provide a learning environment where all students feel loved and safe.

  • Provide instruction that is relevant, consistent, structured, adaptive, differentiated, and creative.

  • Provide ongoing assessments.

  • Teach collaboratively and integrate curriculum.

  • Strive to be consistent in classroom management.

  • Be involved in continuous staff development.

All students will:

  • Be hungry for knowledge, be interested, and engaged in classroom learning.

  • Be sensitive to the needs of others and aware of their place in this ever-changing world.

  • Have hope, experience success, and self-esteem.

  • Show pride in their work and respect for peers, staff, and their school.

  • Make continual progress in mastering Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) curriculum objectives and state standards.

The Naomi L. Brooks staff believes a school community is made up of parents, students, teachers, support staff, and the community. It is important for our children’s success that each member of the school’s culture:

  • Builds partnerships.

  • Unites to work toward the same goals.

  • Shows support, respect, appreciation, and involvement.

  • Demonstrates appropriate representation at school activities.

Student Pledge

We, the students of Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School, are here to learn. We will do our best to improve each day. We will show respect for students and staff in our school, as well as our beautiful school building. We are proud to be Brooks' Bees!

School Goals

  • To create a climate of expectations where everyone acts on the belief that all students can attain mastery of the essential academic and behavioral skills at each grade level.

  • To maintain open communication between parents and the school.

  • To create a school climate that promotes student recognition and student involvement in activities and organizations that correlate with academic and lifetime success.

  • To provide a curriculum that has continuity and reflects a balance in all areas of learning.

  • To establish a collaborative and cooperative partnership between school and community.

  • To decrease the percentage of students scoring in the bottom quartile in reading and math as measured by school and district assessments.

  • To identify inhibitors of learning for low achieving K-5 students while trying to facilitate students’ academic progress.

  • To direct the instructional program for a diverse student population, while enforcing School Board policies and regulations and State Standards of Accreditation.

  • To implement instructional practices that enhance achievement for all Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School.

School Support Team

Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School has established a team consisting of the principal, assistant principal, psychologist, social worker, nurse and guidance counselor who work together to help students and their families. They provide an array of testing, counseling, and other support services.

Special Events

  • American Education Week

  • Back-to-School Night

  • Book Fairs

  • Evening Curriculum Nights

  • Fall Festival

  • Quarterly Curriculum Celebrations

  • Spring Fling

Community Programs

  • Campagna Center - Morning and Afternoon Extended Day Care

  • PTA Reflections Program

  • City of Alexandria After School Recreation Program

Naomi L. Brooks Data

Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School is fully accredited and meets Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). To learn more, review the Virginia School Report Card on the Virginia Department of Education website or review recent test scores.

Student Body Demographics

Enrollment: 343

  • Asian: 2%

  • Black or African American: 29%

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 1%

  • White: 58%

  • Hispanic: 5%

  • Multi-racial: 5%

Special Programs

  • Eligible for free or reduced price meals: 29.0%

  • Students requiring English Learners (EL) services: 8%

  • Students receiving special education services: 10%

School Faculty

  • Number of Licensed Staff: 39

  • With Postgraduate Degrees: 79%