Emergency Closure Learning Activities
The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) team has planned for days when in-person instruction may not be possible. Our goal is to support the continuity of learning for our students. The learning activities provided below are listed by grade level and language (English, Spanish, Amharic and Arabic). The learning opportunities provide students with practice and apply key academic skills and promote movement, self-expression, creativity, civic engagement and language development. This packet includes Learning Board Activities.
Students should complete five activities each day. Students should circle the activities on the learning board for each activity they complete to help them keep track. Students should share/review their choices with an adult. Students should submit their work to their teacher when they return to school for attendance-taking purposes. If there is an activity on a given day that your child is not interested in or does not have materials for, you may replace it with a choice from a different day on the learning board.
If you would like to access additional extension activities, select from the Family Learning Resources Page list included in this packet and visit the ACPS website for even more activities.
For families that wish to pick up a printed copy of the choice board pertaining to their child’s grade level, we have made copies available for pickup at the following locations:
- Charles Houston Recreation Center, 901 Wythe St, Alexandria, VA223142.
- Kate Waller Barrett Branch Library, 717 Queen Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Family Directions Learning Board
The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) team has planned for days when in-person instruction may not be possible. Our goal is to support continuity of learning while preserving future days when schools need to close. The activities on the following pages provide opportunities for students to practice and apply key academic skills and promote movement, self-expression, creativity, civic engagement, and language development. This packet includes Learning Board Activities.
Learning Board Directions
Each activity is labeled with one or more content area symbols:
Learning Boards
Please download and print the learning board for your student's grade level in your preferred language below.