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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S)

Naomi L. Brooks Elementary School implements Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The PBIS team consists of a PBIS coach, teachers and SST members that meets on a monthly basis to discuss upcoming events and behavior data. In addition, all staff members regularly teach and reinforce behavior expectations to help create a positive climate at the school. Our expectations are: Be(e) Kind, Be(e) Safe, Be(e) Responsible. There are posters around the school building that have the school’s expectations. Also, Brooks has a PBIS handbook that outlines the PBIS Program in the school.  

Students can earn Bee Bucks from staff members when they exhibit positive behavior. Students can spend their earned Bee Bucks on prizes at the prize cart. In addition, student behavior is recognized at PBIS celebrations. Also, staff members can give students PBIS Shout Outs over the announcements on a monthly basis. Our PTA has been extremely helpful regarding the success of PBIS at Brooks, particularly with assisting with the prize carts and various celebrations. Learn more about the PBIS program on the ACPS website.

The Naomi L. Brooks PBIS Coach is Ms. Laura Sheikh. You can contact Ms. Sheik at: